
How do I become a member of IV?

YOUR ADVANTAGES AT A GLANCE - the top 5 reasons why IV is so important for its members

  1. We successfully represent the concerns of our members in the political arena - in Austria and Europe.
    As a powerful organization, the IV advocates for competitive framework conditions in Austria and Europe. We achieve tangible improvements and relief for companies and their employees.
  2. We work with our members for our members.
    As a politically independent organization, we focus all our energy exclusively on the interests of our members. With the expertise from the companies and the know-how of our IV experts, we make a decisive contribution to advancing the location. Committees and task forces formed by our members deal in depth with specific topics that are important for the industry and develop solutions to the challenges. This allows our members to play an active role in shaping the work of IV. 
  3. We give modern location policy a strong voice.
    The IV gets to the heart of arguments and points of view in a pointed and loud manner. In Austria in particular, the public debate needs a loud pro-market economy voice with economic common sense. We are committed to sustainability - not one-sidedly, but in the economic, ecological and social dimensions. 
  4. We offer the most attractive management network.
    Whether in the federal states, at federal level or in Brussels - IV is the platform for manufacturing industry, industry-related services, for companies in the finance and insurance industry, the IT sector or the energy and infrastructure sector
  5. We are a competent point of contact and are already dealing today with issues that will be decisive tomorrow.
    IV is your personal service center and think tank. We provide members with first-hand information on current and future challenges for companies. We are your point of contact for economic, tax, labor market and industrial policy as well as for energy, infrastructure, trade, research, education and European policy.

Would you like to become a member of the Federation of Austrian Industries?

Please contact our the regional office in your province directly: